Our works
"Projects in Aryma".
Energy saving
We help you focus on the most important priority in your industry. We keep your company up-to-date with the country’s regulations, laws, and norms. You save significant money through process optimization and improvement. We design a personalized action plan based on your needs.

Project for Energy Recovery and Distribution Network of Vapor.
Condensed in the Matanza San Rafael Plant of Ojo de Agua.
Client: Valle Slaughterhouse, June 2022.
Agroindustrial Proave S.A.
Replacement of a cooking machine in a flour plant located in the San Miguel area.
Water and energy recovery from flash steam in the rendering area.
Client: El Arreo, March 2022.
Recovery of water and energy from the flash steam of the flour drying oven.
Client: Biomar, April 2022.
Relocation of the overflow tank.
Client Agroindustrial Proave S.A. January 2022.
Construction project Laboratory process room and Sample warehouse, Fertilizer Plant.
client ClearLeaf, January 2022.
Bottle shrink tunnel repair service.
Client: Eliviana SA, January 2022.
Shrink Tunnel Repair Service of bottle.
Client: Eliviana SA, January 2022
Preventive and corrective maintenance service of kettle.
Client: UTN, October 2021
Chiller reconstruction for water maintenance.
Client: Unilever, October 2021.
Professional Services design Sausages Plant.
Client: Agroindustrial Grupo Rey Panama. September 2021.
Transfer of Chiller, Athens plant.
Client: Alpemusa S.A. August 2021
Refraction of cameras for supermarket.
Client: GESSA, August 2021
Improvements and relocation of the ammonia valve and pipe in the frozen tunnel area.
Client: Agroindustrial Proave S.A., August 2021.
Disarmament service of the rollers, rectification of the centers.
Client: GESSA October 2021
Roof and structure installation service nailers.
Client: Industrias Martec, October 2021
Insulated container modification service for Panama ice machines.
Client: Industrias Martec, January 2021
Cleaning of welds and joints in steel tanks stainless steel for the bottling process, Atenas plant.
Client: Eliviana SA, November 2021
Manufacture and installation of Bypass and blower for Frick compressor, Agroindustrial customer Proave S.A. January 2021.
Corrective maintenance dairy plant equipment.
Client: UTN December 2021
Maintenance of equipment Peeling Pigs.
Client: UTN, November 2021